George Shaak '55

George Shaak '55 believes that one of the keys to Lebanon Valley College's success is the teaching ability of dedicated professors. Now, years after his own experiences at LVC, he wants to help aspiring professors fulfill their dreams and provide the best education possible to their students.
George describes his LVC experience as an "eclectic education that allowed for him to have a much broader view of life." An advocate of the liberal arts approach, George appreciated the "family-like" atmosphere of the College and the support system that enabled students like him to reach their full potential. In an effort to provide future students with continued quality instruction, George has made provisions in his will to support business and economics faculty members. His thoughtful decision to support faculty stems from a desire to make an impact on the lives of as many students as possible.
However, this isn't the first instance of philanthropy on Shaak's part.
In 1988, George established the George D., Lee S., and Carrie A. Shaak Scholarship, awarded to undergraduate students, specifically those studying woodwind instruments, business administration, or computer science. As a part of LVC's Friends of the Gallery and LVC's music society, Valley Musica, he has been a steadfast supporter of the arts at the College. Furthermore, he is a member of the Miles Rigor Society, LVC's planned giving society, and the Vickroy Society.
"The school continues with planned giving support because it makes it affordable for students and provides financial support for young, smart kids who otherwise couldn't attend Lebanon Valley College," said Shaak when asked about his legacy gift to the College.
Additionally, he frequently attends scholarship luncheons, concerts, and other events on campus. As an active participant in the LVC community-in addition to all of the good that he has done for the College-he is certainly making an impact on as many students as possible.